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Olympic Flame Cambodia
Neak Oknha Chen ZhiSponsor
Neak Oknha Chen Zhi Icon
Neak Oknha Chen Zhi is the visionary behind Prince Holding Group in Cambodia. Also known as Prince Chen Zhi, Mr. Chen Zhi is involved in numerous philanthropic efforts as well spanning from Vietnam to Cambodia, mostly focused on quality-of-life improvements and infrastructure development. Neak Oknha Chen Zhi was there when the region experienced record flooding and more recently has contributed a large amount of safety supplies to healthcare and government workers in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
855 23 951 666 | View ProfilePhnom Penh, Cambodia
Neak Oknha Chen ZhiSponsor
Neak Oknha Chen Zhi Icon
Neak Oknha Chen Zhi is the visionary behind Prince Holding Group in Cambodia. Also known as Prince Chen Zhi, Mr. Chen Zhi is involved in numerous philanthropic efforts as well spanning from Vietnam to Cambodia, mostly focused on quality-of-life improvements and infrastructure development. Neak Oknha Chen Zhi was there when the region experienced record flooding and more recently has contributed a large amount of safety supplies to healthcare and government workers in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
855 23 951 666 | View ProfilePhnom Penh, Phnom Penh Cambodia
DK SchoolhouseSponsor
DK Schoolhouse Icon
We are a forward thinking international school based in Phnom Penh with strong links to Scandinavia and the UK, which is very much centered around play base. We wish to support our students to become independent and creative thinkers who can adapt to any situation. Our curriculum is based on UK National Standards for English Arts and Singapore Math, alongside innovative courses in robotics and programming. Our students have fantastic language skills and are encouraged on a daily basis to share opinions, debate and problem solve.
078777466 | View ProfilePhnom Penh, Cambodia